Tuesday, December 8, 2009

There's Something About Mary

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a day to give honor to our Blessed Mother. She is the perfect model of a Christian. She said "yes" not even knowing what was happening to her or what her life would hold from that time forward. She is the model of true faith!! Many non-Catholics don't quite understand the reverence given to Mary, but it is quite simple...and Biblical! We are often scorned for saying the Hail Mary, but many do not know the prayer is scriptural. The first part of the prayer consist of scripture found in the first chapter of Luke.

Hail favored one! The Lord is with you. Luke 1:28

This was proclaimed by the Angel Gabriel...then...

Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Luke 1:42

These words were spoken by Mary's cousin Elizabeth, who was carrying John the Baptist at the time.

Now listen to the Hail Mary-
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

The last part of the prayer is a simple petition for Mary to pray for us. That's it, nothing more...so simple! Just as we ask each other for prayer, we can ask Mary and the Saints to pray and intercede for us at the throne of God. They are alive with him in Heaven!

Catholic Christians do not worship Mary. We only worship God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who are one. We honor Mary just as Christ honored Mary. As Mother Teresa said, "I only want to love Mary as much as Jesus did, no more, no less."
I think that was beautifully said.

Without even knowing it, Mary was the first Christian, the New Eve, and the Ark of the Covenant. Mary is our spiritual, heavenly, and Blessed Mother. As Mary herself put it in Luke 1:46-55, My soul glorifies the Lord. Mary glorifies Jesus, she brings us closer to Jesus. She only wants us to know him and serve him. Thank you Mother Mary for showing us how to love your Son, Jesus!

Keep On Dancing!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's NOT Christmas, it's Advent!!!

As I keep telling my children, who have been bombarded by the commercialism of the season; it's NOT Christmas, it's Advent!!! For Catholic Christians, Christmas doesn't officially begin until Christmas day, hence the 12 days of Christmas that follow. Prior to Christmas, we celebrate Advent. This is a time of anticipation, waiting, and longing for our Savior to arrive. We try to prepare our hearts and minds for the awesome event that changed our lives forever. Therefore, at the Dougherty household, you will find no babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger until Christmas Day (well, I do put a Nativity in our yard). You will find no wise men hovering over the creche until their appointed time (Epiphany)!! And speaking of Advent, one of our favorite traditions is to keep the baby Jesus hidden until Christmas day. I usually hide him somewhere in the house and on Christmas morning, the kids run around trying to find him. The one who finds him gets to place him in his "SOFT" bed...yes, I said soft. All during the Advent season the kids place cotton balls in his straw bed for each nice thing they say or do...and by Christmas morning, hopefully we have made a cozy bed for our Savior! Yes, I even make Taylor participate and sometimes Mama and Daddy do too!! This is a special reminder, that the things we do and say everyday, do make a difference. When we hurt others, it hurts Christ, and when we help others we are helping Christ. Don't forget those who are sick, lonely, hungry, cold, and needy this season and ALL year long! One of my favorite Christmas songs is by Celine Dion and isn't a traditional carol, but I think the words say everything that need to be said..."Don't save it all for Christmas day, find a way, to give a little love everyday." God bless you during this Advent and Christmas season!

Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Communion Scandal...Should a Bishop Withhold Communion?

As many of you may have heard in the news, the Bishop of Rhode Island asked Representative Patrick Kennedy(D), to abstain from receiving Communion in the Catholic Church. He was asked to abstain several years ago, but Representative Kennedy felt the need to reveal this information this week.

As a Catholic Christian, Holy Communion(Eucharist) is sacred. It is the reason we come together in unity/communion with one another. The Eucharist is our spiritual food. Just as nutritional food nourishes our bodies, the Eucharist feeds our soul! As Catholic Christians, the Eucharist is not a symbol of the body and blood of Christ. We believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, just as Jesus described in John, Chapter 6. Jesus makes no bones about it. He says in verse 55, For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Verse 52 says, whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. Verses 53 and 54 say, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life... Catholic Christians take these verses literally. But, the big kicker for Rep. Kennedy comes with 1 Corinth. 11:26-29;...Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgement on himself.

This brings us to Bishop Thomas Tobin of Rhode Island. Normally the average person's Bishop doesn't know the conscience of every member under his care and therefore, usually doesn't demand such of his flock. But, Rep. Kennedy has made himself a public figure and made his will known through the public record. He has upheld and supported the killing of unborn babies through his public actions and voting record. His conscience has been made known to all and I believe his Bishop has the duty to ask Rep. Kennedy to abstain from eating and drinking judgement upon himself. This Bishop is one brave voice crying out in the wilderness. While other Bishops struggle to find their voice and remain speechless, this Bishop is a true leader.

Rep. Kennedy has several options. He can abstain from receiving Holy Communion...since he is NOT in communion with the Church, he can cease to be a Catholic Christian and continue on with his defective moral beliefs, or he can renounce abortion, ask God's forgiveness, and come forward to receive his Lord and maker. I hope he chooses the latter. The "rights" of some in society, do not justify the killing of others. Along with the accolades of being a congressman, and a Kennedy, come the responsibilites and duties of being a public figure, with a public record. As Rep. Kennedy's grandmother would say, "To whom much has been given, much is required."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Last Things

Wow...I can't believe it's been over 2 months since I've posted! Needless to say, I've had a busy few months, with school, work, children's activities, the Swine Flu, and keeping the Grandparents well!! Hopefully, I can post at least once a month until school is out...we'll see! I just love this time of year and I guess it got my creative juices flowing. I always like to slip something in here for my non-Catholic friends, to explain my crazy ways!! The Catholic Church runs on a liturgical calendar or cycle...and our lives as Catholic Christians revolve around the Church. For the Catholic Church, it's the end of the liturgical year. The beginning of the year starts with Advent on Nov. 29th of this year. But, the scripture readings for Mass and the focus at the end of the year, turns to death, judgement, Heaven, and hell! I know it sounds a little scary, but it gives us time as Christians to reflect upon our lives and how we are living them. Are we prepared to face death and judgement? Are we prepared to meet our Heavenly Father and give account of our daily choices? We also remember those who have gone before us to their Heavenly home. Our precious family members, who have been a witness and example to us. We must choose to model our lives after those who have loved and served the Lord. We recognize that we to are called to be Saints and bear witness to the Gospel. We have to be willing to see our faults and failures and sincerely want to change and grow closer to God! God gives us this great gift through the Church...as the leaves are changing colors, dying, and falling to the ground, as the chill of the Fall wind blows, we to must face our mortality. But, through the Grace of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, we are given a chance to be immortal...to live with him for all eternity.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

WOW!! A Revelation From the Holy Spirit

I was looking over my blog, thinking about what to write next and WOW, the Holy Spirit knocked me down!! I was reading over my last post, Pondering My Sainthood; and the Holy Spirit told me..."You are asked to die for me everyday"!!!!! Even if I never face a lion or the sword, I am asked to die to self and the world daily. I am asked to defend Christ through my words and actions and most often that makes me an outcast in the world's eyes. I'm someone different...that crazy Catholic woman, a freak, a radical!!! WOW, I love being radical for a good reason! I don't want to go along with what the world says, or what society says...I am being given a gift by God...to offer my life, just as the Saints did. Sure, it's not as dramatic and tragic, but it is sacrificial! My sacrifice is an unbloody martyrdom, but I give all the glory to God!

Keep on Dancing!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pondering My Sainthood...

1 Thess.3:13
We're all called to be saints, I mean if you make it to heaven, then you're a saint...right?? (that's rhetorical)!! Even if the Pope hasn't formally declared your sainthood, you're in if St. Peter lets you through the gate!! But, sometimes I wonder if I'll make it, when I look at the resume of some of the greats. If I were called to stand up for Christ in a crisis would my courage and virtue prevail or would my human nature kick into overdrive? Could I face being stoned to death? Could I face being eaten by lions? Could I face being burned alive? I wonder! Then I reflect on the lesser known and less dramatic saints, those who lived quiet lives, but no less virtuous. Some of these saints were hardly heard of in their time. They were just as God made them...human, with human flaws, shortcomings, and failures. They were sinners who overcame! It takes a ordinary human being living an extraordinary life to be a saint. We can't say a few words and expect sainthood. If it were that easy then everyone could get in the gate! God wants us to grow, learn, develop, and show our love for him. Just saying you're a Christian is not enough, you have to BE a Christian. Christ wants us to participate, not be spectators. This is definitely a daily struggle. Today is the Feast Day of St. Monica, the ever vigilant mother of St. Augustine. He was a scoundrel and lacking in all virtue, but she prayed diligently for years for his conversion. For all those people who aren't perfect (everyone) and for all those parents who worry and pray for their own children, stay faithful, be persistant, pray and don't worry!

Keep on Dancing!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Small Successes


It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that.

My Small Successes for the Week:

1. I started walking 3 times/week for exercise. I hope to increase my time/distance.
2. Sold one team sign.
3. Getting up early for school and work.
4. Finished a t-shirt project for one of Taylor's classes.
5. Kept up with all the weeks activities..so far!

Keep on Dancing!!

Here Comes the Son!

I have found great encouragement in the following verses:

Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it."Matthew 16:16-18

There's so much to digest within these 2 verses, but what really caught my attention was "the gates of the netherworld" (hell). Yes, you see Simon and his acknowlegement that Jesus is the Messiah, you see where Jesus gives Simon a new name...Peter, meaning rock. And you see Jesus leaving his earthly kingdom in the hands of Peter. Those few things are enough to keep you talking for awhile. Plenty of books have been written on those subjects alone, but as I was reading the verses; I realized that I had always read the last verse backwards and had always misinterpreted the whole thing.

I always pictured the gates of Heaven, holding back Satan...I had given the power to the Devil and pictured Christ and his followers in a defensive position. Like as Christians, we along with Christ were keeping Satan at bay. When nothing could be further from the truth. Christ is speaking of the gates of hell...we're on the offensive...nothing can hold "US" back...we're on the Lord's team. Satan can build all the defenses he wants, but we're the Body of Christ...his Church. And with Jesus we have the power to defeat Satan. The gates of hell WILL NOT prevail against Christ and his Church!! This is so encouraging to me in the times we are now living. Whether we're struggling with disease, finances, addictions, relationships, or just the world itself; we can know the power of God. Nothing can stop our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here comes the Son!!

Keep on Dancing!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

God's Pantry...Trusting in the Lord

"The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season." Ps.145:15

Money has been tight for the past six months, because my husband was laid-off from his job in January. But, through the generosity of friends, family and God we have never been without. Several people always seemed to show up with pantry supplies just at the right time. I was thinking to myself, it seems like our pantry shelves are never empty. I keep returning to the pantry and it seems as though there is always enough. How fitting that this Sunday's readings and our Priest's homily went down that same road. In the 2nd Book of Kings and in John's Gospel, we find that the Lord supplies not only enough food, but food left over. Just as the Lord supplied the Manna everyday, we may go to bed at night and wonder what will become of us, and what we will eat, but the Lord supplies our needs on a daily basis. "Give us "THIS DAY" our daily bread", I think the Lord just wants us to trust in him. If we can't trust him with the little things of life, then how can we trust him with bigger trials. With tough economic times, we might have to actually put that trust to the test. We need to turn our worries and cares over to him and trust him. Maybe I don't have enough trust in what he can do for me, maybe he wants me to trust him more. I know when I go to the pantry that I'm never disappointed, he has never let me down.
Keep On Dancing!!
p.s. My husband's back at work and NO, that's not my pantry!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Sunday Drive

Jesus gives you his heart!

Several weeks ago, my family decided to take an old-fashioned sunday drive-the kind we used to take when we were kids. We've been limited on funds this summer, because my husband was furloughed from his job. Our original intent was to visit some nearby covered-bridges located about 40 miles from our home. But as we drove north on Interstate 65, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to visit The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, located in Hanceville, AL. Also located on the grounds, is Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, famous for being the home of Mother Angelica. Mother Angelica is the feisty, Italian nun famous for starting EWTN, a global Catholic television station. Her station is located in Irondale, AL, about 5 miles east of Birmingham. Several years ago, Mother decided that her nuns should be cloistered and removed from the trappings of the world. She had a vision of the Divine Child Jesus, who told her to build a Temple in his honor. Mother promptly went to work and 5 years later the Shrine was consecrated-built totally through private donations and the providence of God. She and her nuns left the television studio and stepped back in time. Of course, she is still the Foundress of EWTN and she left the studio in very capable hands. The Friars now handle the day-to-day operation of the studio.
Anyway, that's the background info....As we drove through the gates, we also stepped back in time. Except for the cars streaming in for the 5pm Benediction, it seemed like we were in another century. I was disappointed because we weren't in proper attire for Benediction, but we decided to wander around the grounds and enjoy just being in the presence of this beautiful Shrine. The sun was still shining and it wasn't to hot. What I noticed the most, was the silence and the sounds of nature. I could hear the birds chirping and the water flowing through a nearby creek. If we could only be quiet and still long enough, then God could speak to us! Needless to say, we're going back without our summer shorts! I can't believe something this wonderful is so close to my own home and I've never been. Two of my own non-Catholics friends have been to visit the Shrine. One family took a tour and the other family decided to go for Midnight Mass one Christmas. It was simply beautiful, at least on the outside. I hope to enjoy the inside on my next visit. Please enjoy the pictures and visit their website for more details.


Keep On Dancing!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Personal Small Successes...for this week only!!

It's important to note, that our daily small successes can add up to one BIG triumph!! Mine are simple and small!!


1. Managed to eliminate a ton of junk mail that was piled up.
2. Plan my teen-ager's "16th" Birthday celebration.
3. I also managed to pay my bills and feed my family on a limited budget!!

How's that for small and successful!

Keep On Dancing!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Demand for Signs...40th Anniversary of the First Moon Walk!

Why do we demand signs from God? Just as Jesus performed miracles to prove who he was...it seems God still has to prove himself to mere mortals like ourselves. We often want grand and glorious...stunning miracles. But we only need look at our everyday lives to see signs of God.
It might be our children, it might be a dear friend who helps us cope with a tradegy in life, it might be a bird singing, it might be the sound of the ocean. I often marvel at the ability of the human mind, body, and heart! How can anyone say WE are here by random chance...a mere accident of nature? God and science can exist together. Looking at this picture, I see the design of God. This picture was taken Dec. 24, 1968 from Apollo 8, orbiting the moon. Seven months later Apollo 11 landed on the moon and 2 human beings walked on it's surface. In Buzz Aldrin's memoir, he tells of how he took a Communion kit on his famous trip. After landing on the moon's surface, he opened up the kit and received Communion. These facts were kept secret from the public, due to a pending lawsuit related to the reading of a Genesis passage during the Apollo 8 mission. Wow...the first meal on the moon was our Lord's meal! The Eucharist is a sign of God's wonderous love for his people. If you still need a sign, just look at this picture and contemplate the wonders of our God...the maker of heaven and earth!
Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson & The God-Shaped Hole

With all the hype over Michael Jackson's death and memorial, one truth remains. Whether or not you believe in God, a god, or no god, each person on this planet was created by the one, true God. Each person was made in the image of God. We've heard that phrase many times, but what does it mean? The human being is unlike any other creature ever created. We are different from the rocks, flowers, trees, or any other living thing. We were given the gifts, to think, to choose, and to love. No other creature alive on this planet can do those things with such great capacity as the human being. Why did God do this for us? He loves us and wants us to love him...it's that simple. We were each born with a God-shaped hole in our hearts, and nothing can fill that hole but God. No amount of money, fame, or man-made gift can fill that hole. No drug, no drink, no toxic relationship will complete us or make us whole. Our whole life is spent searching and yearning for something or someone to fill our hearts, when the simple answer is God...only God can complete us. Some of us find that answer quickly and others search forever and never find the truth. God is truth...God is love. If you are a Christian, it is your duty to tell others of this great gift. Why are we so hesitant to spread the message of Jesus Christ? Why can't we tell others of his great love for them? I'm not here to judge Mr. Jackson, only God knows his soul and his truth. But I know God loves him. God loves every saint and every sinner and I know God is merciful. God loves every person he has ever created, regardless of our ability to love him. It does seems like Mr. Jackson was in search of the ultimate high, whether it be through his music, his toys, his children, his fans, or drugs. He seems like he was searching to fill that God-shaped hole. As Saint Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless Lord, until they rest in thee." I do appreciate the gifts of Mr. Jackson. I enjoyed his music and talent. I've sang and danced many times to his songs. And I appreciate all the barriers he has knocked down, both racially and culturally. I totally get the pride that he brings to his race. I only wish that he could have been fulfilled in this life.

As another great boy songwriter once said,

"Put no trust in princes,
in mere mortals powerless to save.
When they breathe their last,
they return to the earth;
that day all their planning comes to nothing.
Happy those whose help is Jacob's God,
whose hope is in the Lord, their God,
the maker of heaven and earth,"

Written by David, the Psalmist
Ps. 146:3-6

Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Want To Sleep Through Life's Storms!

We all have to endure life's storms. No one, not even our Savior was immune. All we need is complete trust & confidence in our Heavenly Father. In Matt. Chap.8:23-27, we see that Jesus had complete trust and confidence in his Father above to calm the storm. In fact, he had so much trust that he even slept through the storm, until the disciples awakened him. If we could only have that much faith in God. If we could only trust him to take care of us through life's storms. May God's Peace surround you now and always!

Keep on Dancing!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Things I Miss...

-my Granny & Poppie
-hugs from Grandma Alice
-being "9"
-my high school friends
-my old house (both of them)
-my pool
-being on stage performing
-jumping on the bed
-playing with barbies
-my Alpha Gam girls
-taking a nap on my Granny's couch with sports on the TV.
-cheering at football games
-pep-rallys at Minor
-the Carol Burnett Show
-camping on the Warrior River
-my Granny's biscuits and cornbread dressing
-my dogs, Pio & Muffin
-swimming at Green Acres
-being skinnier
-Mr. Saxon
-Taylor being "5"
-low gas prices
-summers at Aunt Edna's
-hiking to Big Rock
-the popsicle man
-playing outside til dark
-Miss Grayson & Miss Harris
-Christmas morning when I was "7"
-trick-or-treating in Westwood Gardens
-the Rucks

Keep on Dancing!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Questions & Doubts

It never fails, and I don't mind, but I'm always confronted with people who have questions and doubts about the Catholic Faith...my Christian Faith. Sometimes those people are part of my own family, other times they are curious friends or even strangers. No problem. I had one such encounter yesterday. Someone in my family said, they just don't like to confess to a priest. They much prefer to just talk to God in their heart, in the privacy of their bedroom. No problem, that's a good way to do it too, but I found myself once again defending the need for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which was given to us by Christ.

Who wants to admit their faults, failings, and sins to anyone?? Who wants to publicly confess they have done wrong?? Who wants to actually take responsibility for the hurts they have caused?? Well, that answer is no one. But I'd like to review several scriptures that might help with the questions and doubts we all have from time-to-time.

First, Jesus teaches through the parable, "The Healing of the Paralytic", found in Matt. Chap.9, about forgiveness. The parable appears to be about the healing of a crippled man, but the point of the healing is to show the power to forgive sins and to demonstrate Christ's power to do so by demonstrating a visible miracle. Forgiving sins is something invisible, the crowd couldn't visualize how this could be done. First, Jesus tells the crippled man that his sins are forgiven. The crowd claims Jesus is blaspheming. Jesus says, Which is easier, to forgive sins or to say, rise and walk to a crippled man? Of course, it's easier to forgive sins!!! I know I'm not real good at healing the lame! But, to prove his power and what he was saying, he did something thought impossible...something no one could do...something visible that the crowd could see, he healed the paralyzed man!!

See, the Children of God, us and his ministers on earth (the priests) have been given this awesome power. We have the power to forgive one another and the priest has been given the sacramental power to forgive sins through Christ. In John, Chap.20, we see the actual gift being given. Imagine, your leader and savior has just been brutally murdered, buried in a borrowed tomb, and now his body has gone missing. You are frightened and scared...terrified that you will be next. You are hiding in a room, trying to decide your next move. You have locked all the doors, and suddenly your leader appears. His first words after such a tragic experience are..."How are you doing, got any fish?"...NO, he says, "Peace be with You", ...and then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit, who's sins you forgive are forgiven, and who's sins you retain are retained." Now you can't get much clearer than that on taking the scriptures literally. And these were his first words to his disciples after his resurrection!! WOW!! I thought those Catholics didn't read the Bible!!

And because Catholics believe in Apostolic succession (also found in the Bible), we believe our Bishops and Priests literally have what Jesus said they have...the power to forgive sins!! Wow, what a concept, to believe something found in the Bible, and don't even get me started on John, Chap. 6!!! I'm going to stop with the cute sarcasm now, because this is meant to teach and inform.

Our personal sins, affect the Body of Christ, as a whole. The Sacrament of Reconciliation cleanses and perfects the Body of Christ, and holds us accountable for the sins we have commited against God and one another. On Good Friday, I left work and went to St. Paul's in downtown Birmingham, to go to confession. I thought, "this will be quick", cynically thinking, not many Catholics go to confession anymore...WRONG!!! The line snaked around the Cathedral, with only one priest on duty. Suddenly another priest arrived and then the Bishop. When they saw the line they immediately went into action, called by Christ to help his followers be reconciled to him. I loved seeing that long line, full of many ages, colors and nationalities...the Church of Christ. We were longing to be reconciled to him, to love him, to be one with him. It was moving and inspiring! The Holy Spirit was definitely in the room and I thank God for allowing me to witness it. And yes, there is some nervous tension while waiting to confess, it is called a "conscience" and it has been built lovingly into our being by God, our Father. We always want to love and please our Father.

To conclude, the Church has been given the ministry of reconciliation ( 2 Corinth.5;11-21 ). Paul says, We must be reconciled to God, and we must help others be reconciled to God. It is our ministry!!

Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Feet

They are ugly, gnarled, and hard to look at…

They are the feet of Mother Teresa, a Saint, who did the work of Christ on earth. She took care of the poor, sick, and dying on
the streets of Calcutta, India.

The people she served weren’t even Christians and probably had never heard of Christ. But in her eyes, they were Christ.

Once, she was asked, “How do you keep taking care of the same people, who show up everyday, wanting something from you?”
She said, “Yesterday, I have forgotten, tomorrow is not here, I only have today to love and serve Christ.”

Looking at her feet, you know she must have been in pain, yet she continued to travel and seek Christ throughout the world.
Let us not be hindered by our physical or spiritual limitations, but strive to find and serve Christ wherever he may be found.
Keep on Dancing!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

After "10"...

Ever notice after "10", nothing good happens & everything goes downhill...

After 10 years old, it's puberty & peer pressure!
After 10 shrimp (why do they give you 12?), you feel like you need to burp or worse!
After 10 pm, it's nothing but trouble!
After 10 songs, you just can't dance anymore!
After 10 hours in labor, you want to kill someone...you know who you are!
After 10 kids, you can't remember their names-or your's!
After 10 minutes on hold, you want to scream!
After 10 hours in the sun, well-you're pretty much fried!
After 10 beers, ( I wouldn't know, but I've seen it) nothing is quite clear & there is always a fight!

I guess from now on, I'll just stick with "9"!!!

Keep on Dancing!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Does God Want From Me???

If you haven't heard, my husband is laid off from his job, for the 2nd time in 6 mos. Not to mention the last 2 years, when his business went down the drain with the housing industry!! But, even as I say these things, I know there are bigger problems in the world, and I wouldn't trade my problems for someone else's problems. The burning question for me is...What does God want from me??? The past 2 years have seen very limited funds in our house and my kids have been so spoiled, and always had everything they have ever wanted. Now we see that we can live without certain things, and that has been a good lesson for all of us. During the "Boom Years", I was financially able to give more to my Church, and now there is hardly anything to give. Sometimes, I feel like a failure when I can't give financially to my Church or others. Which brings me back to the burning question...What does God want from me??? I guess, it's just another lesson, that God doesn't always want us to throw money at everything or everyone...he wants us to show up. He wants us to be available, to give ourselves, and our time to others. Money is great and has its purpose too, but being there for someone is sometimes worth gold. We need to actively participate in caring for the Body of Christ!! What can I give?? What can I do for others?? It doesn't always involve money. Right now, my biggest gift to others, is through my prayers for them. God wants me to be faithful, loving, generous, kind, pure, compassionate, and forgiving. And with his help, maybe I can learn this lesson and make him proud.

Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thanks to Sgt. Lee

I didn't know Sgt. Nicky Lee, but our paths crossed on Sat. May 23, 2009. I had briefly heard on the news that a soldier from Sandusky (an area close to where I grew up), had died in combat in Afghanistan. I remember saying a quick prayer for him and his family and thinking...wow, that was close to home, but then I really didn't think about it anymore. As the Memorial holiday approached, I kept the soldiers in my daily prayers and watched a few History Channel shows on the sacrifice our men and women have made throughout history. Then saturday afternoon came and my family and I were on the way to 4pm Mass at St. Patrick's. As we approached the local funeral home, I could see a huge crowd of cars and motorcycles. Then I saw a local firetruck displaying a giant American flag. The local police were blocking Hwy. 78 (a large 4-lane Hwy.), I grumbled for a minute and said..."We're going to be late for church." My husband said that this must be a funeral for a policeman or fireman in the community, due to the large crowd, numerous motorcyles, and the firetruck salute. We quietly stopped our vehicle along with many others doing the same. In a split second, everything changed. I think my mother said..."I bet this is the soldier who died this past week." I immediately went into tears, thinking of my selfish statement. I was filled with guilt and rightly so. The rain had started to fall along with my tears. I was put in my place by Sgt. Nicky Lee, a 23 year old soldier who gave his life on foreign soil, so that my family and my children could live in peace and freedom. Memorial Day meant even more to me than ever. I didn't know this soldier, but he taught me a lesson in humility and thankfulness. I pray that his family will be comforted in the days ahead. And I hope God nevers lets me forget the lesson of Sgt. Lee. Thank you soldier for your service and welcome home.

Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm not going to hold back...I was disappointed

Disclaimer: If you're a big fan of our current administration in Washington, read at your own risk!

I'm not going to hold back. I'm getting old now and I'm going to speak my mind with conviction. I was totally bummed and disappointed at the large welcome that President Obama received at Notre Dame on 5-17-09. He was awarded an honorary law degree and gave the commencement address at the well known Catholic University. I decided to watch the festivities on tv and to be honest was quite impressed (don't get mad, let me finish). Let me preface this by saying...I respect the office of the Presidency and think President Obama is due all the respect that holding that office entails. And I do think that some sort of dialogue about differing issues is needed, but I think dialogue and compromise are 2 different things. President Obama is so charismatic and can deliver a message with great persuasion, but I don't think this was the venue for such dialogue. During the address, I kept thinking of the millions of lives who have been lost to legalized abortion. I thought of those children who would have been born in 1987. Who would have become doctors, lawyers, teachers, mothers, fathers. Those children who were denied the right to life, denied the right to graduate from anywhere, even the womb. We truly have a lost generation, more than have died in many of our countries wars. We say, no more to war, but we say, it's ok to kill innocent children who have no voice. As President Obama said in his speech, "our differences may be irreconcilable." He is right. While dialogue is great, compromise is not. We may never solve this issue, we may be defeated in the world's eyes, but we must keep working to save lives. The world brands us as haters, but Christians are lovers. The world doesn't understand us, because it never understood Jesus, but that's ok; our goals are not of this world. If we say we are Christians, we better be ready to uphold those beliefs, even to death. I don't feel that Notre Dame gave witness to the Christianity it proclaims. I'm ashamed and embarassed of the scandal they have put upon not just their students and alumni, but all Catholic Christians.

Keep on Dancing!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just Getting Started

Everybody has to get started somewhere. I'm going to try and post something new each week. It will mostly be reflections and commentary, but I may try my hand at some type of devotionals too. I'll just have to see how this evolves!! I just get random thoughts in my head, sometimes they're spiritual, political, or just reflections on life in general. But you will definitely see my faith. I view the whole world through the filter of my Catholic, Christian beliefs. I try not to make any decisions in life without praying or relying on my beliefs. This doesn't mean that everything I write will be sugary-sweet. Sometimes, I'll be mad and frustrated, not neccessarily with God, but with the world. I hope you'll enjoy this blog in the future.

"Let's start at the very beginning, it's a very fine place to start."
Julie Andrews as Maria VonTrapp from the Sound of Music