1 Thess.3:13
We're all called to be saints, I mean if you make it to heaven, then you're a saint...right?? (that's rhetorical)!! Even if the Pope hasn't formally declared your sainthood, you're in if St. Peter lets you through the gate!! But, sometimes I wonder if I'll make it, when I look at the resume of some of the greats. If I were called to stand up for Christ in a crisis would my courage and virtue prevail or would my human nature kick into overdrive? Could I face being stoned to death? Could I face being eaten by lions? Could I face being burned alive? I wonder! Then I reflect on the lesser known and less dramatic saints, those who lived quiet lives, but no less virtuous. Some of these saints were hardly heard of in their time. They were just as God made them...human, with human flaws, shortcomings, and failures. They were sinners who overcame! It takes a ordinary human being living an extraordinary life to be a saint. We can't say a few words and expect sainthood. If it were that easy then everyone could get in the gate! God wants us to grow, learn, develop, and show our love for him. Just saying you're a Christian is not enough, you have to BE a Christian. Christ wants us to participate, not be spectators. This is definitely a daily struggle. Today is the Feast Day of St. Monica, the ever vigilant mother of St. Augustine. He was a scoundrel and lacking in all virtue, but she prayed diligently for years for his conversion. For all those people who aren't perfect (everyone) and for all those parents who worry and pray for their own children, stay faithful, be persistant, pray and don't worry!
Keep on Dancing!!