I was looking over my blog, thinking about what to write next and WOW, the Holy Spirit knocked me down!! I was reading over my last post, Pondering My Sainthood; and the Holy Spirit told me..."You are asked to die for me everyday"!!!!! Even if I never face a lion or the sword, I am asked to die to self and the world daily. I am asked to defend Christ through my words and actions and most often that makes me an outcast in the world's eyes. I'm someone different...that crazy Catholic woman, a freak, a radical!!! WOW, I love being radical for a good reason! I don't want to go along with what the world says, or what society says...I am being given a gift by God...to offer my life, just as the Saints did. Sure, it's not as dramatic and tragic, but it is sacrificial! My sacrifice is an unbloody martyrdom, but I give all the glory to God!
Keep on Dancing!!