Tuesday, December 8, 2009

There's Something About Mary

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a day to give honor to our Blessed Mother. She is the perfect model of a Christian. She said "yes" not even knowing what was happening to her or what her life would hold from that time forward. She is the model of true faith!! Many non-Catholics don't quite understand the reverence given to Mary, but it is quite simple...and Biblical! We are often scorned for saying the Hail Mary, but many do not know the prayer is scriptural. The first part of the prayer consist of scripture found in the first chapter of Luke.

Hail favored one! The Lord is with you. Luke 1:28

This was proclaimed by the Angel Gabriel...then...

Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Luke 1:42

These words were spoken by Mary's cousin Elizabeth, who was carrying John the Baptist at the time.

Now listen to the Hail Mary-
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

The last part of the prayer is a simple petition for Mary to pray for us. That's it, nothing more...so simple! Just as we ask each other for prayer, we can ask Mary and the Saints to pray and intercede for us at the throne of God. They are alive with him in Heaven!

Catholic Christians do not worship Mary. We only worship God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who are one. We honor Mary just as Christ honored Mary. As Mother Teresa said, "I only want to love Mary as much as Jesus did, no more, no less."
I think that was beautifully said.

Without even knowing it, Mary was the first Christian, the New Eve, and the Ark of the Covenant. Mary is our spiritual, heavenly, and Blessed Mother. As Mary herself put it in Luke 1:46-55, My soul glorifies the Lord. Mary glorifies Jesus, she brings us closer to Jesus. She only wants us to know him and serve him. Thank you Mother Mary for showing us how to love your Son, Jesus!

Keep On Dancing!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's NOT Christmas, it's Advent!!!

As I keep telling my children, who have been bombarded by the commercialism of the season; it's NOT Christmas, it's Advent!!! For Catholic Christians, Christmas doesn't officially begin until Christmas day, hence the 12 days of Christmas that follow. Prior to Christmas, we celebrate Advent. This is a time of anticipation, waiting, and longing for our Savior to arrive. We try to prepare our hearts and minds for the awesome event that changed our lives forever. Therefore, at the Dougherty household, you will find no babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger until Christmas Day (well, I do put a Nativity in our yard). You will find no wise men hovering over the creche until their appointed time (Epiphany)!! And speaking of Advent, one of our favorite traditions is to keep the baby Jesus hidden until Christmas day. I usually hide him somewhere in the house and on Christmas morning, the kids run around trying to find him. The one who finds him gets to place him in his "SOFT" bed...yes, I said soft. All during the Advent season the kids place cotton balls in his straw bed for each nice thing they say or do...and by Christmas morning, hopefully we have made a cozy bed for our Savior! Yes, I even make Taylor participate and sometimes Mama and Daddy do too!! This is a special reminder, that the things we do and say everyday, do make a difference. When we hurt others, it hurts Christ, and when we help others we are helping Christ. Don't forget those who are sick, lonely, hungry, cold, and needy this season and ALL year long! One of my favorite Christmas songs is by Celine Dion and isn't a traditional carol, but I think the words say everything that need to be said..."Don't save it all for Christmas day, find a way, to give a little love everyday." God bless you during this Advent and Christmas season!

Keep on Dancing!!