When it comes to being Pro-life, one is often considered crazy or zealously religious by those who see things from the opposite viewpoint. And, I guess I've been called both of those things. So I've decided to make my case against abortion in a scientific and thought-provoking manner. This is a conversation that could go on forever between opposing parties, so I'm going to try to use 3 short points and briefly back them up. Many of the beliefs we have about abortion are deeply rooted in history and centuries of dealng with this practice.
1. We can no longer claim ignorance...meaning, for centuries, and even well into the 20th century, one could say we didn't know when conception occurred or when life began. But, by the mid-20th century and especially today, we know the answer to this age-old question. Conception is the beginning of a new life. From that time forward, something new is living and growing. Many have said, an embryo or fetus is not a person, but we can no longer make that statement. We know that once concieved that embryo will continue to grow and form a completely new and unique individual. With the use of 4D imagery, we can see a clear picture of this new person, moving, smiling, grimacing, sucking, sleeping, awaking and interacting with his or her environment. Ignorance is no longer an option.
2. It's my body, I can do as I please...is it your body? That new and unique individual might be growing in your body, but it is NOT your body. Should a DNA sample be taken from the embryo, fetus, or infant after delivery, that baby will have it's own set of DNA, separate from the mother or father. It will have it's OWN body, unique only to him or herself. It's true, the intricacies of DNA weren't discovered until the 20th century and even more knowledge about DNA has come to light with the Human Genome Project. We continue to learn more about DNA and the make-up of each individual person even as we enter the 21st century. Ignorance is no longer an option.
3. A civil society...are we civil? We pride ourselves on the fact that our nation has come so far in the equal treatment of the person. We think the Civil Rights Movement of the 50's and 60's solved all our problems and we falsely pride ourselves in overcoming such predjudice. Those who weren't white, were considered less than, non-humans, and property. Their right's were denied, they suffered, and they died at the hands of an ignorant society. This form of treatment continues in many countries and cultures today. But, America thinks they're better than that...we've come beyond, and we look down on those beliefs. Have we? Do we?...have we moved beyond...do we look down on this type of belief or treatment? I say, until we treat the unborn child with the dignity and repect it's due, we're a failure at Civil Rights!! Just as the black man, woman, and child was treated as less than, non-human, and the property of...we treat the unborn child in the same exact manner. This is a living, breathing (yes, the lungs work in utero), human, equal to you, possessing it's own DNA, person. Yes, this person is weak, helpless, and has no voice, but does that mean he or she is less than?...NO!!
Those who fight for the rights of the unborn are speaking for each child who can't and like each person on this planet, pro-lifers are unique and varied. Even if you can't accept their religious agruments to the opposition of abortion, remember the scientific and reasonably humane points listed above. Ignorance is no longer an option!
Keep on Dancing!!