Today is the Feast of the Blessed Trinity and it happens to also be Father's Day in the United States. It's fitting, that both celebrations fall on the same day. When I think of the word Father, Dad, or Daddy, so many things come to mind. Of course, there's the perfect father, but I think if we asked our earthly fathers if they were perfect, many would say they were far from it. Father is a word that can mean many different things for many people. If your father was absent or was never there for you, it can bring up feelings of sadness, anger, or disappointment. The feeling of what could have been, can be so painful. If your father tried to be the perfect husband and dad, then your memories may bring a smile to your face. Then, there are the many fathers in between, who just try to do their best everyday to provide for their children and families. No, most of our fathers aren't perfect, but most of them love us. They worry, and struggle with how they're going to take care of us and teach us all the things we need to know about life. They try to find their place in the family, and sometimes get lost behind mothers. They're in charge of the yucky stuff, like killing spiders and repairing the toliet. Sometimes they're the stern disciplinarian, and at other times, they're the place we land in times of trouble. They teach us about sports, but also learn how to tie bows. Being a father can be tough sometimes!! And if, we're truly blessed, then our earthly fathers take pride in modeling their lives after our Heavenly Father. When I think of the Blessed Trinity, I think of this beautiful mystery, 3 persons in 1 God. This is a truth that requires deep faith and a sense of wonder. Many fathers today could use the guidance of the Blessed Trinity to deepen their relationship with their children. Like the Heavenly Father, they've given us life and take pride in our accomplishments, but also discipline us and teach us when neccessary. Like the Son, they're there to save us and teach us how to treat others; and like the Spirit, they're there to guide us and lead us in the right direction. I would like to thank my earthly father for giving me life and being there for me, and while our path hasn't always been perfect or easy, I know he loves me. Thanks to my father-in-law, who gave me a wonderful husband and has always been kind to me. And my Godfather, who has loved me and my children as his own. And to my husband, who is a loving and caring father, who works long hours to provide for his family, and tries to be a good example to his children. I pray that the Blessed Trinity might protect and guide all fathers in every way.
Keep on Dancing!!