After watching so many specials, and documentaries on 9/11 over the past few days, I was amazed by the international aspect of the city and the rebuilding process. I've always known that New York was a city of immigrants, but seeing the different and unusual names on the memorial was so beautiful and inspiring. I also watched a special about the reconstruction at the site over the past 10 years. As they featured certain members of the rebuilding team, from designers to welders, I was intrigued by the names of those involved. They were, Italian, Irish, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, Asian, and Native American; a multicultural team, all working for one purpose. I asked myself one question; if all these different people can get along and live together in one country, or one city, why can't the world get along? All these people have one thing in common, they are Americans. We're a civilized nation, with a civilized government. Our ideals can be found in our Declaration, our Preamble, our Pledge, and our Constitution. Beautiful words that unite us as a people...One nation, Under God. Even in this upcoming election year, with people choosing sides, we can still have a civil discourse. We should be so proud to be Americans. We should be proud to live in this beautiful, civil, and free society. The greatest, idealistic, experiment ever undertaken. We are a republic!! This "war" with the world is a battle for freedom, and a battle between the civilized world and the uncivilized world. Every person or group of people that have ever attacked America, can be found to be uncivilized in some way. Their countries, their backgrounds, their families have been uncivilized, dysfunctional, immoral, and corrupt. Let us pray for a world where civilized people can come together to work out their differences and compromise for the sake of peace. The way I see it, if New York can do it, the world can too! God bless America!
Keep on Dancing!!