Isn't facebook great?? When it's your birthday, your friends...all 842, send you best wishes and greetings for your special day. You wake up to an onslaught of birthday posts and by the time you head for bed you feel like a king or queen. I mean, it IS your birthday...it's been a special day since you were born. When you arrived, your family was so happy. They probably gathered at the hospital just to wait for you to make your appearance. When you turned one, I'm sure there was a special party. Turning one is a BIG deal...you went from a helpless, crying infant to a smiling, babbling, slightly off-balance toddler! Then we have the years between 2 and 12; there's the Barney party, the moonbounce/inflatable slide party, the Barbie party, the Spiderman party, the Circus-Theme party, and the famous skating party, where your best friend fell and broke her wrist in 3 places!! And who can forget the infamous Chuckie-Cheese party? That's the party that made your mom take to the bed!! Then the teen years roll around...we have the boy/girl party, the Sweet Sixteen party and you get the picture. Birthdays are a big deal, because they celebrate, the one and only you! You're special and God made you that way. You're unique and with each year that passes there's something to celebrate. God sends you out into this world, with the intention of watching you grow and perfect, until you return to him. When I was pondering how great and wonderful birthdays are, it made me think of those who never get a chance to celebrate their greatness. How ironic, that a society who puts so much emphasis on birthdays, continues to devalue life. Our society spends millions of dollars to celebrate a persons special day, but remains heartless when it comes to the unborn. I find this very disturbing and sad. I hope one day, every future, unborn child gets a chance to have a facebook birthday!!
Keep on Dancing!!