After watching wall-to-wall news coverage of the Century 16 Theater shooting in Colorado, I have so many thoughts running through my head. First, I'm thinking of the families who've lost someone dear to them and all those who've been traumatized for life. Why do some people go over the edge and take out others in their downward spiral? I guess we'll never know all the answers, but suffice it to say, we live in a fallen world. Our spiritual ancestors decided long ago, they knew best how to run their lives. They considered themselves on par with God, not realizing God was their ultimate creator and God knew what was best for them. Their decisions brought the world into it's present state. Our only chance to escape this world and it's present reality, is to return to God with our whole hearts. We need to acknowledge that God knows what's best for us. We need to follow his plan and road map to perfect peace. It's so easy when we let God make our decisions. We don't have those day-to-day worries about the bad choices we make. We don't have to keep up with our lies, we don't have to try and remember how many intimate relationships we've had, or try to remember the night before, when we were drunk or high. With God, we have clear vision and no regrets.
These people, most of them young, came to the theater for a carefree night of fun and came face-to-face with evil. Satan won, for 2 or 3 minutes; but believe me, God will have true victory through all the good that will come from this tragedy. This movie was about a superhero, but the true Superheros, are those who responded to the scene and those who helped and rescued others. I hope this tragedy leads some of these young people to the recognition that God is our #1 SUPERHERO! He will rescue us from every evil and guard and protect our lives.
Keep on Dancing!!