Prudence: the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason, shrewdness in the management of affairs, skill and good judgement in the use of resources, caution or circumspection as to danger or risk.
Unfortunately, a person in today's society that uses the virtue of prudence, is often called a prude. Being a prude, in this day and age, is thought to be a negative. I, respectfully disagree with the world's view, which isn't shocking if you know me. Prudence, is an innate, positive quality that enables one to make appropriate decisions on a day-to-day basis. Even the wildest person, can credit prudence with keeping them from running in front of an oncoming truck. I credit prudence for helping me make the right choice in many situations...call me a prude, I guess!
Earlier this week, we lost two famous women, each from different walks of life. Helen Gurley Brown, the 90 year old former editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine, and Nellie Gray, the 86 year old founder of the March For Life. Gurley Brown became a household name, when her book, Sex and the Single Girl, was published in 1962. She is often credited with helping to start the sexual revolution of the 1960's and 1970's. She was the first to tell young women, they could have it all and they shouldn't wait around for Mr. Right to get married. They should go out, have fun, experiment, and have affairs. She taught young women about the use of birth control and how they could use it to their advantage to have their flings, and then move on to the next conquest. Basically, she single-handedly taught young women to throw prudence and caution to the wind. Today, in 2012, I think we can see the consequences of promiscuous sex, birth control, abortion, and the like. Have these behaviors really liberated women and made them equal to their male counterparts? I think not!! The lack of judgement and the denial of our innate ability to make certain prudent choices, has opened a Pandora's Box of problems for today's young woman. Sometimes, having it all is not for the best.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, is Nellie Gray, who founded the March For Life in 1974; one year after the landmark case of Roe vs. Wade, legalized abortion. She has worked tirelessly, since the early 70's, to promote the protection of mothers and their unborn children. She has fought the death machine of abortion and her organization has grown over the last several decades. Today, the March For Life can be seen in all 50 states and internationally. Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal O'Malley called her, "the Joan of Arc of the Gospel of Life."
I find it ironic, that both Gurley Brown and Gray, were highly educated, and intelligent women. Gurley Brown a native of Arkansas and Gray, a native of Texas. Both a product of the mid-20th century, both made an impact on society, but in different ways. Both, icons to those who followed their words and believed in the causes. I find it interesting that both were called from their earthly dwelling on the same week. Each came face-to-face with their maker and each was held to an account of their achievements and accomplishments for mankind (no, I'm not politically correct). God has a way of leveling the playing field and I can only imagine his delight at having Nellie Gray teach a thing or two to Mrs. Gurley Brown. On a side note and worthy of some praise, Mrs. Gurley Brown was married for over 50yrs, while she taught other women to be "free"!
Helen Gurley Brown was famous for saying..."Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere." I presume to say, she is enjoying everywhere as we speak!
Well done, Nellie Gray!!! I hope your reward is great and thank you for showing women an alternative to the world!!
Keep on Dancing!!