If you've ever been to a Roman Catholic Mass, you may have noticed, it pretty much doesn't change format. This is the beauty of a liturgical service. There's the Procession of Altar Servers, Reader and Priest. Then comes the opening prayer (Collect), followed by the Penitential Rite, asking God to forgive our sins. This prepares us to hear God's word from the scripture. After the Liturgy of the Word, we recite the Nicene Creed together, to profess our Faith; and then we pray the General Intercessions for our family, community and world. Now begins, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where the Priest consecrates the bread and wine, which become the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we come forward to receive our Lord, in this sacred meal, we see our "connectedness" and our Communion with Heaven and Earth is revealed.
For those not familiar with this type of worship and even those who are Catholic, but not close to God, it may seem different, repetitive or the "same" each time we go to Mass. It's this sameness that comforts my soul. No matter what's happening in my life or in the world, I can go to Mass and experience the unchanging "sameness" of God. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. I can count on this "sameness" in a world of chaos. This unchanging God is where I find my center and balance. Since the Last Supper, when Jesus instituted the Eucharist, we have followed his lead..."Do this in memory of me..." and we do!! If you explore the 1st Century Christians in the Acts of the Apostles, you will find this same format. They came together on the first day of the week to listen to God's word and break bread. Many had to meet in secret, as do many Christians today. How fortunate we are, to be able to express our love for God without fear. I crave this "sameness"!! If you're looking for this unchanging, "SAME" God, I invite you to attend a Catholic Mass. If you want comfort and peace in an ever changing world, you can find it at Mass. There's no loud pastor or booming music, just the REAL PRESENCE of Christ in the "Manna" from Heaven.The Mass is the only worship that is continually being said, in the same way, in every time zone, at every hour and every minute around the world. That's why it's Catholic (Universal)!! Satan must tremble as our Savior is worshiped and offered up at every hour! Thank you Father, for you gift of "Sameness"!!