Disclaimer: If you're a big fan of our current administration in Washington, read at your own risk!
I'm not going to hold back. I'm getting old now and I'm going to speak my mind with conviction. I was totally bummed and disappointed at the large welcome that President Obama received at Notre Dame on 5-17-09. He was awarded an honorary law degree and gave the commencement address at the well known Catholic University. I decided to watch the festivities on tv and to be honest was quite impressed (don't get mad, let me finish). Let me preface this by saying...I respect the office of the Presidency and think President Obama is due all the respect that holding that office entails. And I do think that some sort of dialogue about differing issues is needed, but I think dialogue and compromise are 2 different things. President Obama is so charismatic and can deliver a message with great persuasion, but I don't think this was the venue for such dialogue. During the address, I kept thinking of the millions of lives who have been lost to legalized abortion. I thought of those children who would have been born in 1987. Who would have become doctors, lawyers, teachers, mothers, fathers. Those children who were denied the right to life, denied the right to graduate from anywhere, even the womb. We truly have a lost generation, more than have died in many of our countries wars. We say, no more to war, but we say, it's ok to kill innocent children who have no voice. As President Obama said in his speech, "our differences may be irreconcilable." He is right. While dialogue is great, compromise is not. We may never solve this issue, we may be defeated in the world's eyes, but we must keep working to save lives. The world brands us as haters, but Christians are lovers. The world doesn't understand us, because it never understood Jesus, but that's ok; our goals are not of this world. If we say we are Christians, we better be ready to uphold those beliefs, even to death. I don't feel that Notre Dame gave witness to the Christianity it proclaims. I'm ashamed and embarassed of the scandal they have put upon not just their students and alumni, but all Catholic Christians.
Keep on Dancing!