As much as I would love to have world peace, it's just something that isn't to be. I'm not being pessimistic, but this earth is not our home. As Christians, our home is in Heaven and this earth is our exile. We live in a fallen creation. What once was a paradise for our ancestors, was made corrupt by their sin. Their sin, was the sin of pride and thinking they knew better than God. They became their own god and chose to do as they pleased, disobeying our Heavenly Father. God uses his commandments to train us and direct our paths and when we stray from his love and direction; we are saying, we are smarter and know more than Him. So many people, especially other religions are trying to change this world into some nirvana or utopia, but only our Heavenly Father can create a new Heaven and a new Earth. They put their trust and faith in the world and Christians must place their trust and faith in God. Does this mean we shouldn't work for peace and justice in our circle of influence...NO, it just means we know our God has bigger and better plans for those who love and trust Him. It's our job to bring others to the love of Christ and give them HOPE for what is to come. When we do this, we can lead others to a place of perfect peace, acceptance, and love...Heaven!
Keep on Dancing!!

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