-hugs from Grandma Alice
-being "9"
-my high school friends
-my old house (both of them)
-my pool
-being on stage performing
-jumping on the bed
-playing with barbies
-my Alpha Gam girls
-taking a nap on my Granny's couch with sports on the TV.
-cheering at football games
-pep-rallys at Minor
-the Carol Burnett Show
-camping on the Warrior River
-my Granny's biscuits and cornbread dressing
-my dogs, Pio & Muffin
-swimming at Green Acres
-being skinnier
-Mr. Saxon
-Taylor being "5"
-low gas prices
-summers at Aunt Edna's
-hiking to Big Rock
-the popsicle man
-playing outside til dark
-Miss Grayson & Miss Harris
-Christmas morning when I was "7"
-trick-or-treating in Westwood Gardens
-the Rucks
Keep on Dancing!!

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