If you haven't heard, my husband is laid off from his job, for the 2nd time in 6 mos. Not to mention the last 2 years, when his business went down the drain with the housing industry!! But, even as I say these things, I know there are bigger problems in the world, and I wouldn't trade my problems for someone else's problems. The burning question for me is...
What does God want from me??? The past 2 years have seen very limited funds in our house and my kids have been so spoiled, and always had everything they have ever wanted. Now we see that we can live without certain things, and that has been a good lesson for all of us. During the "Boom Years", I was financially able to give more to my Church, and now there is hardly anything to give. Sometimes, I feel like a failure when I can't give financially to my Church or others. Which brings me back to the burning question...
What does God want from me??? I guess, it's just another lesson, that God doesn't always want us to throw money at everything or everyone...he wants us to show up. He wants us to be available, to give ourselves, and our time to others. Money is great and has its purpose too, but being there for someone is sometimes worth gold. We need to actively participate in caring for the Body of Christ!! What can I give?? What can I do for others?? It doesn't always involve money. Right now, my biggest gift to others, is through my prayers for them. God wants me to be faithful, loving, generous, kind, pure, compassionate, and forgiving. And with his help, maybe I can learn this lesson and make him proud.
Keep on Dancing!!
God just wants you to be the good person you are.