After watching The Wizard of Oz last friday night, I was inspired to write this commentary. Yes, the movie is strange; but as kids we were all drawn to it. That's still true for me and now my own kids. With all the talk of wizards and witches, I guess one could find evil lurking down the Yellow Brick Road. But, I found so many good metaphors there too. Just like Dorothy, we're all searching and yearning to find our way home and for the Christian, our home is with God. I find it amazing that God equips us to make this journey from the time we're born. Just like the "Oz" quartet, we have what we need inside us all along. God gives us a BRAIN and a HEART to know, love, and serve him and others. A BRAIN to know right from wrong...for knowledge, understanding, right judgement, and wisdom. A HEART that we might grow in love for Him and others. A HEART to see God as wonderous and awesome! We have the capacity for kindness, compassion, and empathy. And COURAGE, a gift of the Holy Spirit, to face the challenges of living everyday. COURAGE to stand up for what's right and fight that which is evil. All these virtues are innate and if cultivated by the Holy Spirit lead us to our ultimate destination...into the arms of the one who loves us most, our Heavenly Father. So when in doubt of your path in life, use these beautiful gifts from God to follow your own Yellow Brick Road.
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