Monday, July 27, 2009

God's Pantry...Trusting in the Lord

"The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season." Ps.145:15

Money has been tight for the past six months, because my husband was laid-off from his job in January. But, through the generosity of friends, family and God we have never been without. Several people always seemed to show up with pantry supplies just at the right time. I was thinking to myself, it seems like our pantry shelves are never empty. I keep returning to the pantry and it seems as though there is always enough. How fitting that this Sunday's readings and our Priest's homily went down that same road. In the 2nd Book of Kings and in John's Gospel, we find that the Lord supplies not only enough food, but food left over. Just as the Lord supplied the Manna everyday, we may go to bed at night and wonder what will become of us, and what we will eat, but the Lord supplies our needs on a daily basis. "Give us "THIS DAY" our daily bread", I think the Lord just wants us to trust in him. If we can't trust him with the little things of life, then how can we trust him with bigger trials. With tough economic times, we might have to actually put that trust to the test. We need to turn our worries and cares over to him and trust him. Maybe I don't have enough trust in what he can do for me, maybe he wants me to trust him more. I know when I go to the pantry that I'm never disappointed, he has never let me down.
Keep On Dancing!!
p.s. My husband's back at work and NO, that's not my pantry!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Sunday Drive

Jesus gives you his heart!

Several weeks ago, my family decided to take an old-fashioned sunday drive-the kind we used to take when we were kids. We've been limited on funds this summer, because my husband was furloughed from his job. Our original intent was to visit some nearby covered-bridges located about 40 miles from our home. But as we drove north on Interstate 65, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to visit The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, located in Hanceville, AL. Also located on the grounds, is Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, famous for being the home of Mother Angelica. Mother Angelica is the feisty, Italian nun famous for starting EWTN, a global Catholic television station. Her station is located in Irondale, AL, about 5 miles east of Birmingham. Several years ago, Mother decided that her nuns should be cloistered and removed from the trappings of the world. She had a vision of the Divine Child Jesus, who told her to build a Temple in his honor. Mother promptly went to work and 5 years later the Shrine was consecrated-built totally through private donations and the providence of God. She and her nuns left the television studio and stepped back in time. Of course, she is still the Foundress of EWTN and she left the studio in very capable hands. The Friars now handle the day-to-day operation of the studio.
Anyway, that's the background info....As we drove through the gates, we also stepped back in time. Except for the cars streaming in for the 5pm Benediction, it seemed like we were in another century. I was disappointed because we weren't in proper attire for Benediction, but we decided to wander around the grounds and enjoy just being in the presence of this beautiful Shrine. The sun was still shining and it wasn't to hot. What I noticed the most, was the silence and the sounds of nature. I could hear the birds chirping and the water flowing through a nearby creek. If we could only be quiet and still long enough, then God could speak to us! Needless to say, we're going back without our summer shorts! I can't believe something this wonderful is so close to my own home and I've never been. Two of my own non-Catholics friends have been to visit the Shrine. One family took a tour and the other family decided to go for Midnight Mass one Christmas. It was simply beautiful, at least on the outside. I hope to enjoy the inside on my next visit. Please enjoy the pictures and visit their website for more details.

Keep On Dancing!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Personal Small Successes...for this week only!!

It's important to note, that our daily small successes can add up to one BIG triumph!! Mine are simple and small!!


1. Managed to eliminate a ton of junk mail that was piled up.
2. Plan my teen-ager's "16th" Birthday celebration.
3. I also managed to pay my bills and feed my family on a limited budget!!

How's that for small and successful!

Keep On Dancing!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Demand for Signs...40th Anniversary of the First Moon Walk!

Why do we demand signs from God? Just as Jesus performed miracles to prove who he seems God still has to prove himself to mere mortals like ourselves. We often want grand and glorious...stunning miracles. But we only need look at our everyday lives to see signs of God.
It might be our children, it might be a dear friend who helps us cope with a tradegy in life, it might be a bird singing, it might be the sound of the ocean. I often marvel at the ability of the human mind, body, and heart! How can anyone say WE are here by random chance...a mere accident of nature? God and science can exist together. Looking at this picture, I see the design of God. This picture was taken Dec. 24, 1968 from Apollo 8, orbiting the moon. Seven months later Apollo 11 landed on the moon and 2 human beings walked on it's surface. In Buzz Aldrin's memoir, he tells of how he took a Communion kit on his famous trip. After landing on the moon's surface, he opened up the kit and received Communion. These facts were kept secret from the public, due to a pending lawsuit related to the reading of a Genesis passage during the Apollo 8 mission. Wow...the first meal on the moon was our Lord's meal! The Eucharist is a sign of God's wonderous love for his people. If you still need a sign, just look at this picture and contemplate the wonders of our God...the maker of heaven and earth!
Keep on Dancing!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson & The God-Shaped Hole

With all the hype over Michael Jackson's death and memorial, one truth remains. Whether or not you believe in God, a god, or no god, each person on this planet was created by the one, true God. Each person was made in the image of God. We've heard that phrase many times, but what does it mean? The human being is unlike any other creature ever created. We are different from the rocks, flowers, trees, or any other living thing. We were given the gifts, to think, to choose, and to love. No other creature alive on this planet can do those things with such great capacity as the human being. Why did God do this for us? He loves us and wants us to love's that simple. We were each born with a God-shaped hole in our hearts, and nothing can fill that hole but God. No amount of money, fame, or man-made gift can fill that hole. No drug, no drink, no toxic relationship will complete us or make us whole. Our whole life is spent searching and yearning for something or someone to fill our hearts, when the simple answer is God...only God can complete us. Some of us find that answer quickly and others search forever and never find the truth. God is truth...God is love. If you are a Christian, it is your duty to tell others of this great gift. Why are we so hesitant to spread the message of Jesus Christ? Why can't we tell others of his great love for them? I'm not here to judge Mr. Jackson, only God knows his soul and his truth. But I know God loves him. God loves every saint and every sinner and I know God is merciful. God loves every person he has ever created, regardless of our ability to love him. It does seems like Mr. Jackson was in search of the ultimate high, whether it be through his music, his toys, his children, his fans, or drugs. He seems like he was searching to fill that God-shaped hole. As Saint Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless Lord, until they rest in thee." I do appreciate the gifts of Mr. Jackson. I enjoyed his music and talent. I've sang and danced many times to his songs. And I appreciate all the barriers he has knocked down, both racially and culturally. I totally get the pride that he brings to his race. I only wish that he could have been fulfilled in this life.

As another great boy songwriter once said,

"Put no trust in princes,
in mere mortals powerless to save.
When they breathe their last,
they return to the earth;
that day all their planning comes to nothing.
Happy those whose help is Jacob's God,
whose hope is in the Lord, their God,
the maker of heaven and earth,"

Written by David, the Psalmist
Ps. 146:3-6

Keep on Dancing!!