Why do we demand signs from God? Just as Jesus performed miracles to prove who he was...it seems God still has to prove himself to mere mortals like ourselves. We often want grand and glorious...stunning miracles. But we only need look at our everyday lives to see signs of God.
It might be our children, it might be a dear friend who helps us cope with a tradegy in life, it might be a bird singing, it might be the sound of the ocean. I often marvel at the ability of the human mind, body, and heart! How can anyone say WE are here by random chance...a mere accident of nature? God and science can exist together. Looking at this picture, I see the design of God. This picture was taken Dec. 24, 1968 from Apollo 8, orbiting the moon. Seven months later Apollo 11 landed on the moon and 2 human beings walked on it's surface. In Buzz Aldrin's memoir, he tells of how he took a Communion kit on his famous trip. After landing on the moon's surface, he opened up the kit and received Communion. These facts were kept secret from the public, due to a pending lawsuit related to the reading of a Genesis passage during the Apollo 8 mission. Wow...the first meal on the moon was our Lord's meal! The Eucharist is a sign of God's wonderous love for his people. If you still need a sign, just look at this picture and contemplate the wonders of our God...the maker of heaven and earth!
Keep on Dancing!!
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