With all the hype over Michael Jackson's death and memorial, one truth remains. Whether or not you believe in God, a god, or no god, each person on this planet was created by the one, true God. Each person was made in the image of God. We've heard that phrase many times, but what does it mean? The human being is unlike any other creature ever created. We are different from the rocks, flowers, trees, or any other living thing. We were given the gifts, to think, to choose, and to love. No other creature alive on this planet can do those things with such great capacity as the human being. Why did God do this for us? He loves us and wants us to love him...it's that simple. We were each born with a God-shaped hole in our hearts, and nothing can fill that hole but God. No amount of money, fame, or man-made gift can fill that hole. No drug, no drink, no toxic relationship will complete us or make us whole. Our whole life is spent searching and yearning for something or someone to fill our hearts, when the simple answer is God...only God can complete us. Some of us find that answer quickly and others search forever and never find the truth. God is truth...God is love. If you are a Christian, it is your duty to tell others of this great gift. Why are we so hesitant to spread the message of Jesus Christ? Why can't we tell others of his great love for them? I'm not here to judge Mr. Jackson, only God knows his soul and his truth. But I know God loves him. God loves every saint and every sinner and I know God is merciful. God loves every person he has ever created, regardless of our ability to love him. It does seems like Mr. Jackson was in search of the ultimate high, whether it be through his music, his toys, his children, his fans, or drugs. He seems like he was searching to fill that God-shaped hole. As Saint Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless Lord, until they rest in thee." I do appreciate the gifts of Mr. Jackson. I enjoyed his music and talent. I've sang and danced many times to his songs. And I appreciate all the barriers he has knocked down, both racially and culturally. I totally get the pride that he brings to his race. I only wish that he could have been fulfilled in this life.
As another great boy songwriter once said,
"Put no trust in princes,
in mere mortals powerless to save.
When they breathe their last,
they return to the earth;
that day all their planning comes to nothing.
Happy those whose help is Jacob's God,
whose hope is in the Lord, their God,
the maker of heaven and earth,"
Written by David, the Psalmist
Ps. 146:3-6
Keep on Dancing!!
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